Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fun Movie Night Out!

Last Friday, my boyfriend and I went to see the movie 21 and Over.  Can I just say, that movie was hilarious!

Here is a trailer of the movie:

We went to the movies around 7:30 and we got popcorn and drink before we went into the movie theatre like normal.

Tinseltown, the movie theatre near my house, has this great deal going on, that if you buy a plastic bucket and a plastic cup for $10 for both, you can come back for as many times as you want to for the year of 2013. 

Of course, I bought one, thinking that I would get it and use it all the time.  Well, last Friday was the first time that I had ever used it.  My mom and sister had used it a lot in the past, but this was my first time.  I didn't know what was going to happen.  I took it up to the lady behind the concession stands, and she took my popcorn bucket, filled it up and then asked me what type of drink I wanted.  It wasn't until after I got everything back that I thought to myself, I'm so glad that I washed everything out before I went, because she didn't even take the time to do it. 

That got me wondering, are the supposed to clean it, if not, how did that get idea get past the FDA?  Wouldn't they have saw the unsanitary side of it all and made sure that they couldn't do it?  I don't know, but I do know that if you get that deal, please please please, make sure that clean it properly before you take it back, because no one wants you to give them germs and it is the same germs that are going into your popcorn bucket, and drink.  Do you want to have that in your body?  Just something to ponder....

Back to the movie, if you have not seen this movie I highly highly recommend it!  If you loved The Hangover,  you will LOVE this movie.  It is about three college guys that were best friends in high school.  Well, they figured out while celebrating one of the boys 21st birthday, that they probably haven't kept in touch like they should have. 

While trying to find out where someone lived, they had to go through a bunch of things.  This movie is a large winding movie.  You definitely need to stay with this movie and not leave to go to the bathroom.  This movie will have you laughing and laughing and laughing some more! Please go see this movie!!

Well this time, until next time, have fun and safe travels!

- Bekah Grace

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