Thursday, February 7, 2013

Late Night Run - Hunger Nights

Hey Everyone! Sorry that I couldn't get the post up on last Sunday, I was too busy watching the Superbowl!

Today, I'm going to blog on fun nights in college (hunger nights!)

There are many times in college life that you can be up late and you get hungry.  I don't know how many times that has happened to me.  Actually, I have done this currently.

This past weekend, I was doing homework and I had a steady pace going.  Next thing I know, it hit me!  I wanted a Cook-Out milkshake.  Now, if you don't know what Cook-Out is, it's a hamburger joint, that has other things, but I go there most of the time only for the milkshakes.  I called up a group of friends and asked them if they wanted to go on a Cook-Out run.

They said, "Yes." This is when the fun began.

I went and picked up the girls, the first thing that we did was go to Cook-Out and got milkshakes.  Then we decided to just go on a run.  For us, this means we run to different resturants and get things to eat.  Next, we went to Taco Bell.  Then we went to Sonic. 

Can I just say that we are a group of females that go to a college, and when we get hungry we go out and eat.  But because we have difference taste buds we go to different places! 

Having a hungry nights isn't fun until you go out with your girls (or guys) and you blast the music in your car and everyone starts singing (on key and not on key)!!

I hope that you will now experience a hungry night like this and enjoy having Simply Fun Outings!

- Bekah Grace


  1. I love Cook-out runs, but I go for the Cheerwine Floats.

  2. I agree with you Cook-Out runs are the best late night runs especially when you need a break from homework. Cookies and Cream milkshakes are my favorite.
